Goji Berry is a high antioxidant food and great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and dietary fiber. Goji berries are thought by traditional Chinese medicine to enhance immune function, improve circulation and eyesight. (See details here)
Chinese Yam is rich in nutrients including proteins (3.59 % to 8.93 %), amino acids (2.31 % to 7.26 %), starches (43.7 %), sugars (3.39 %), vitamins, and amylases, among others. In addition, numerous active constituents are present in Chinese yam tubers, which may promote wound healing, speeds up cell regeneration. The Chinese yam is very a popular edible and medicinal plant that is thought by traditional Chinese medicine to promote health and longevity. (See details here)
Disclaimer: The health information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is for informational purposes only. Our soup products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.